Friday, July 9, 2010

S'more Pie

Well, this sounded like a wonderful recipe to try... especially since i was kind of craving s'mores. This was a VERY time consuming pie, and I didn't even do everything in the right amount of time. (me and my impatience, again!) The crust was the simplest part of the whole thing. A homemade graham cracker crust, how hard is that to make anyway? I blame part of the taste of this pie because of how the pie crust turned out. You are supposed to cook the crust until it is golden (I thought graham crackers were golden, oh well) and then let it cool. I did the directed time and it made it taste like it had been burnt in the end. The chocolate part of the pie wasn't as great as I expected it to be either; the taste seemed too bitter and didn't really fit into the flavor I think of when I eat a s'more. The marshmallow top was just a failure in and of itself. By the time I got the sugar to read the tempurature it was to be, it was actually too hot. Old candy thermometers and a small, shallow amount of hot bubbling sugar does not make for accurate tempurates in a timely manner. Then, when I added the sugar to the rest of the marshmallow recipe, the sugar stuck to the bottom of the bowl and hardened.. this probably had a little to do with the fact that i poured the last little bit of the sugar in pretty quick. (because once again, I was impatient and wanted to eat it!) The amount of marshmallow "fluff" i ended up with wasn't much of a fluff, and it barely even covered the top of the pie. I was supposed to let that cool in the fridge for 3 hours and then take it back out to toast the top with my torch. I chose not to do that and just torch it then and there... :D that was fun! The marshmallow top was so runny that it took a little work getting the top to brown correctly.
In the end, this pie was NOT the greatest! I would give it about 1 star out of 5.... It was a nice effort at trying to recreate a s'more, but it wasn't very good to me... This pie is definitely not for a beginner and maybe not an intermediate. Only plan on making this if you have LOTS of time and patience! :)

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